lauantai 12. maaliskuuta 2016


ARJn alaiset kisat
KP: 03.04.2016
VIP: 31.03.2016
Vastuuhenkilö: Juco ( (VRL-10957)
Järjestyspaikka: Marabel
Tulokset arvotaan puolueettomasti arvontakoneella lyhyttä arvontaa käyttäen.
Kisoihin saa osallistua vasta kun ne löytyvät VRLn kalenterista.
ARJn sivuilla voi käydä katsomassa luokista ja luokkien avoimuudet

Säännöt ja rajoitukset

Luokkiin otetaan 50 osallistujaa
Yksi ratsastaja saa tuoda 5 hevosta /luokka
Yksi hevonen saa osallistua kaikkiin rodulleen avoimiin luokkiin, joka luokkaan kerran ja vain yhteen saddle seat ryhmään
Jokainen kilpailija voi ilmoittaa vain itsensä mukaan kilpailuihin.
VRL-tunnus pakollinen, seura ja VH-tunnus vapaaehtoisia.


Sähköpostilla osoitteeseen. TAI kommentoimalla alle
Otsikko: ARJ017-0023 (myös kommentissa. Yhteen kutsuun ei ole mahdollista osallistua)
Luokka / luokat(rv)
Ratsastaja (VRL-tunnus) - Ratsu VH-tunnus


-- Islanninhevosille avoimet luokat --
1. Töltti T.2 (4-käynti)
2. 4-käynti V.1 (4-käynti)
3. 5-käynti F.1 (5-käynti)
4. Speedpassi P.2 (5-käynti)
-- Saddlebred- ja National Show Horse -luokat --
5. 5-käynti
6. Slow gait
7. Rack
-- Tennessee Walker -luokat --
8. Nelitahtikäynti
9. Juoksukäynti
10. Keinutuolilaukka
-- Muille avoimet luokat --
11. 3-käynti
12. 3-käynti
13. 3-käynti
-- Saddle seat luokat --
14. Classic pleasure
15. Classic pleasure driving
16. Classic country combination
17. Country pleasure
18. Country pleasure driving
19. Country combination
20. English pleasure
21. English pleasure driving
22. Informal combination
23. Show pleasure
24. Show pleasure driving
25. Informal show combination
26. Park
27. Park harness
28. Formal combination
-- Ajoluokat --
29. Pleasure driving (kaikille roduille avoin)
30. Fine harness (Avoin: Ryhmän 3 rodut)
31. Roadster (Avoin: Ryhmän 3 rodut)


1. Töltti T.2 (21/50)

1. TK (VRL-00555) - Hrápi frá Gokúr VH15-030-0119
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigurlín frá Thór VH15-030-0021
3. TK (VRL-00555) - Frigg frá Álfhólar VH14-030-0125
4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gæfa frá Kjarnhólti
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigjón frá Svartur VH15-030-0018
6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Alfadís frá Reykáh
7. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Bjatur frá Cresendo VH16-030-0051
8. Anniina N. (VRL-09182) - Gleði frá Fálkihæð
9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gaukúr frá Bakkaholtí
10. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Ravn frá Torgils VH13-030-0132
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Galsi frá Kalskag VH15-030-0009
12. TK (VRL-00555) - Rimba frá Hruni VH15-030-0115
13. TK (VRL-00555) - Litli - Hlói frá Jáplar II VH07-030-0220
14. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Mundilfari frá Freistingar VH12-030-0096
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Náttúlfur frá Starri VH15-030-0019
16. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Vindsvöl frá Álfhólar VH14-030-0088
17. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Ávaldi frá Poki VH16-030-0047
18. TK (VRL-00555) - Undri frá Navilo VH14-030-0013
19. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Ljon frá Mána VH13-030-0131
20. Anniina N. (VRL-09182) - Kjarni frá Snjóflóðholti VH14-030-0151
21. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dórothea frá Svartur VH15-030-0020

2. 4-käynti V.1 (21/50)

1. TK (VRL-00555) - Hrápi frá Gokúr VH15-030-0119
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dórothea frá Svartur VH15-030-0020
3. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Mysla frá Teitur VH13-030-0133
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Galsi frá Kalskag VH15-030-0009
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Náttúlfur frá Starri VH15-030-0019
6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gaukúr frá Bakkaholtí
7. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Gammur frá Ponipallero VH16-030-0059
8. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Skiptingur frá Jón VH16-030-0050
9. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Myrkur frá Brea VH16-030-0052
10. TK (VRL-00555) - Frigg frá Álfhólar VH14-030-0125
11. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Alfadís frá Reykáh
12. TK (VRL-00555) - Litli - Hlói frá Jáplar II VH07-030-0220
13. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Vindsvöl frá Álfhólar VH14-030-0088
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigurlín frá Thór VH15-030-0021
15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gæfa frá Kjarnhólti
16. Anniina N. (VRL-09182) - Gleði frá Fálkihæð
17. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Sunna frá Hagaljómi VH13-030-0136
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigjón frá Svartur VH15-030-0018
19. Anniina N. (VRL-09182) - Kjarni frá Snjóflóðholti VH14-030-0151
20. TK (VRL-00555) - Undri frá Navilo VH14-030-0013
21. TK (VRL-00555) - Rimba frá Hruni VH15-030-0115

3. 5-käynti F.1 (19/50)

1. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Róa frá Fjall VH13-030-0145
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigurlín frá Thór VH15-030-0021
3. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Alfadís frá Reykáh
4. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Dóttla frá Ponipallero VH16-030-0049
5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gaukúr frá Bakkaholtí
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Galsi frá Kalskag VH15-030-0009
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glíra frá Syndur VH14-030-0141
8. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Ástríða frá Nótti VH16-030-0053
9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gæfa frá Kjarnhólti
10. TK (VRL-00555) - Hrina frá Laekur VH16-030-0057
11. TK (VRL-00555) - Skelmir frá Dalek VH14-030-0124
12. TK (VRL-00555) - Edda frá Nótti VH16-030-0056
13. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Wigga frá Hægri VH16-030-0046
14. Break (VRL-05810) – Eldur
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigjón frá Svartur VH15-030-0018
16. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Sindri frá Laekur VH16-030-0054
17. Break (VRL-05810) - Sóley frá Syndur
18. TK (VRL-00555) - Gjósta frá Svandís VH12-030-0016
19. TK (VRL-00555) - Gýmir frá Laekur VH16-030-0055

4. Speedpassi P.2 (19/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) – Eldur
2. TK (VRL-00555) - Skelmir frá Dalek VH14-030-0124
3. TK (VRL-00555) - Hrina frá Laekur VH16-030-0057
4. TK (VRL-00555) - Edda frá Nótti VH16-030-0056
5. Break (VRL-05810) - Sóley frá Syndur
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigurlín frá Thór VH15-030-0021
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sigjón frá Svartur VH15-030-0018
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Galsi frá Kalskag VH15-030-0009
9. TK (VRL-00555) - Gýmir frá Laekur VH16-030-0055
10. Veera R (VRL-10735) -Dreyra frá Far gone Ice VH14-030-0117
11. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Brúni frá Claridge VH13-030-0116
12. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Alfadís frá Reykáh
13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gaukúr frá Bakkaholtí
14. TK (VRL-00555) - Gjósta frá Svandís VH12-030-0016
15. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Hekla frá Dáltur VH12-030-0262
16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gæfa frá Kjarnhólti
17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glíra frá Syndur VH14-030-0141
18. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Sjöfn frá Ponipallero VH16-030-0060
19. Veera R (VRL-10735) - Nóri frá Rósgarður VH16-030-0048

5. 5-käynti (12/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) – Emphatic RDN
2. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Grand Illusion
3. Break (VRL-05810) – Month of Mars
4. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Howling Gale
5. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Private Batman VH16-016-0001
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - D.C. Nocturne
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Divine At Night
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Alleyway
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Uptown Swing
10. Break (VRL-05810) – Solar Flare Hazard
11. Jasny (VRL-01414) - After Dark
12. Jade (VRL-01403) - Echo of Sensation VH06-016-9076

6. Slow gait (12/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Grand Illusion
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - D.C. Nocturne
3. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Howling Gale
4. Break (VRL-05810) – Month of Mars
5. Break (VRL-05810) – Emphatic RDN
6. Break (VRL-05810) – Solar Flare Hazard
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Uptown Swing
8. Jade (VRL-01403) - Echo of Sensation VH06-016-9076
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Alleyway
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - After Dark
11. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Private Batman VH16-016-0001
12. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Divine At Night

7. Rack(12/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Grand Illusion
2. Jasny (VRL-01414) - After Dark
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - D.C. Nocturne
4. Break (VRL-05810) – Month of Mars
5. Jade (VRL-01403) - Echo of Sensation VH06-016-9076
6. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Howling Gale
7. Break (VRL-05810) – Emphatic RDN
8. Break (VRL-05810) – Solar Flare Hazard
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Divine At Night
10. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Private Batman VH16-016-0001
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Alleyway
12. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Uptown Swing

8. Nelitahtikäynti(8/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Nanoq VH13-019-0018
2. Break (VRL-05810) - CHR Dark Horizon VH13-019-0001
3. TK (VRL-00555) - Golddigger Arizona VH14-019-0081
4. TK (VRL-00555) - Kamal Khan Ion VH16-019-0035
5. TK (VRL-00555) - Ladybug Ion VH16-019-0036
6. TK (VRL-00555) - Belfalas Eternal Jealousy VH01-019-3871
7. TK (VRL-00555) - Santaflora VH14-019-0082
8. Break (VRL-05810) - Tijuana's Poseidon VH11-019-0004

9. Juoksukäynti(8/50)

1. TK (VRL-00555) - Kamal Khan Ion VH16-019-0035
2. TK (VRL-00555) - Golddigger Arizona VH14-019-0081
3. Break (VRL-05810) - Tijuana's Poseidon VH11-019-0004
4. Break (VRL-05810) - CHR Dark Horizon VH13-019-0001
5. TK (VRL-00555) - Ladybug Ion VH16-019-0036
6. TK (VRL-00555) - Belfalas Eternal Jealousy VH01-019-3871
7. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Nanoq VH13-019-0018
8. TK (VRL-00555) - Santaflora VH14-019-0082

10. Keinutuolilaukka(8/50)

1. TK (VRL-00555) - Kamal Khan Ion VH16-019-0035
2. TK (VRL-00555) - Ladybug Ion VH16-019-0036
3. TK (VRL-00555) - Golddigger Arizona VH14-019-0081
4. TK (VRL-00555) - Santaflora VH14-019-0082
5. Break (VRL-05810) - Tijuana's Poseidon VH11-019-0004
6. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Nanoq VH13-019-0018
7. Break (VRL-05810) - CHR Dark Horizon VH13-019-0001
8. TK (VRL-00555) - Belfalas Eternal Jealousy VH01-019-3871

11. 3-käynti(18/50)

1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Loxleigh IV VH06-009-7989
2. Juco (VRL-10957) - Ratratan VH15-050-0018
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Yankee Kid
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Vanadium VI
5. Juco (VRL-10957) - Bawrang VH15-050-0023
6. Break (VRL-05810) - Shadowdancer 5594
7. TK (VRL-00555) - Roselle Ion
8. TK (VRL-00555) - Chandrakanta VH14-050-0026
9. Juco (VRL-10957) - Namashi VH15-050-0016
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tiago VH14-082-0011
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ranjeev
12. Juco (VRL-10957) - Qavuarad VH15-050-0012
13. Break (VRL-05810) - Cryboy RDN VH14-072-0004
14. Break (VRL-05810) - RWR Tacoma Stars
15. TK (VRL-00555) - Knoxdale Pocatello VH06-009-8341
16. TK (VRL-00555) - Ramya Cherokee VH14-009-0004
17. TK (VRL-00555) - Knoxdale Caliente VH06-009-8353
18. Juco (VRL-10957) - Zihrana VH15-050-0017

12. 3-käynti(18/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - Cryboy RDN VH14-072-0004
2. TK (VRL-00555) - Knoxdale Caliente VH06-009-8353
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tiago VH14-082-0011
4. Juco (VRL-10957) - Namashi VH15-050-0016
5. Juco (VRL-10957) - Zihrana VH15-050-0017
6. Break (VRL-05810) - RWR Tacoma Stars
7. TK (VRL-00555) - Ramya Cherokee VH14-009-0004
8. Juco (VRL-10957) - Bawrang VH15-050-0023
9. Juco (VRL-10957) - Qavuarad VH15-050-0012
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Loxleigh IV VH06-009-7989
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Yankee Kid
12. TK (VRL-00555) - Roselle Ion
13. Juco (VRL-10957) - Ratratan VH15-050-0018
14. TK (VRL-00555) - Knoxdale Pocatello VH06-009-8341
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Vanadium VI
16. Break (VRL-05810) - Shadowdancer 5594
17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ranjeev
18. TK (VRL-00555) - Chandrakanta VH14-050-0026

13. 3-käynti(18/50)

1. Juco (VRL-10957) - Bawrang VH15-050-0023
2. Juco (VRL-10957) - Ratratan VH15-050-0018
3. Break (VRL-05810) - RWR Tacoma Stars
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Loxleigh IV VH06-009-7989
5. TK (VRL-00555) - Roselle Ion
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Vanadium VI
7. Break (VRL-05810) - Shadowdancer 5594
8. TK (VRL-00555) - Ramya Cherokee VH14-009-0004
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tiago VH14-082-0011
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ranjeev
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Yankee Kid
12. TK (VRL-00555) - Knoxdale Caliente VH06-009-8353
13. TK (VRL-00555) - Chandrakanta VH14-050-0026
14. TK (VRL-00555) - Knoxdale Pocatello VH06-009-8341
15. Juco (VRL-10957) - Qavuarad VH15-050-0012
16. Break (VRL-05810) - Cryboy RDN VH14-072-0004
17. Juco (VRL-10957) - Namashi VH15-050-0016
18. Juco (VRL-10957) - Zihrana VH15-050-0017

14. Classic pleasure (12/50)

1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Conztanza
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Vivace
3. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Troubles VH14-019-0042
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Rahele
5. Jasny (VRL-01414) - AWA Make A Move
6. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Coral Beauty
7. naakka (VRL-10345) - Bint Rheemah
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Infinite Fantasy QAD
9. Break (VRL-05810) - Oldsfell's Foxberry Fields VH14-019-0047
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - CLA Mistress of Storms
11. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Storm Patrol
12. Jasny (VRL-01414) - CLA The Green Fairy

15. Classic pleasure driving (12/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - Oldsfell's Foxberry Fields VH14-019-0047
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Vivace
3. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Infinite Fantasy QAD
4. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Coral Beauty
5. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Troubles VH14-019-0042
6. Jasny (VRL-01414) - AWA Make A Move
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Rahele
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Storm Patrol
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - CLA The Green Fairy
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Conztanza
11. Jasny (VRL-01414) - CLA Mistress of Storms
12. naakka (VRL-10345) - Bint Rheemah

16. Classic country combination (12/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - CLA Mistress of Storms
2. naakka (VRL-10345) - Bint Rheemah
3. Break (VRL-05810) - Oldsfell's Foxberry Fields VH14-019-0047
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Conztanza
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Rahele
6. Jasny (VRL-01414) - CLA The Green Fairy
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Infinite Fantasy QAD
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Vivace
9. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Coral Beauty
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - AWA Make A Move
11. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Storm Patrol
12. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Troubles VH14-019-0042

17. Country pleasure (14/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - MD Valiant Malice VH01-019-7732
2. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Imperial Fantasy VH16-019-0029
3. naakka (VRL-10345) - Naibn al Najya VH16-003-0063
4. naakka (VRL-10345) - Behira al Najya VH16-003-0065
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Alleyway
6. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Swan Lake WCR
7. naakka (VRL-10345) - Mreekhe al Najya VH16-003-0064
8. Break (VRL-05810) - Belfalas Demanding Lady VH01-019-9520
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Cosmic Firebird
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Moonshine Symphony
11. Break (VRL-05810) - Thunderbird Ion VH14-019-0009
12. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Ramya Joyful Ride
13. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Black Diamond
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bakszysz al Najya

18. Country pleasure driving (14/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Black Diamond
2. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Swan Lake WCR
3. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Ramya Joyful Ride
4. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Cosmic Firebird
5. Break (VRL-05810) - Belfalas Demanding Lady VH01-019-9520
6. naakka (VRL-10345) - Behira al Najya VH16-003-0065
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bakszysz al Najya
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Moonshine Symphony
9. naakka (VRL-10345) - Mreekhe al Najya VH16-003-0064
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Alleyway
11. Break (VRL-05810) - MD Valiant Malice VH01-019-7732
12. Break (VRL-05810) - Thunderbird Ion VH14-019-0009
13. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Imperial Fantasy VH16-019-0029
14. naakka (VRL-10345) - Naibn al Najya VH16-003-0063

19. Country combination (14/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Ramya Joyful Ride
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - AWA Alleyway
3. naakka (VRL-10345) - Behira al Najya VH16-003-0065
4. Break (VRL-05810) - Belfalas Demanding Lady VH01-019-9520
5. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Imperial Fantasy VH16-019-0029
6. naakka (VRL-10345) - Mreekhe al Najya VH16-003-0064
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Black Diamond
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bakszysz al Najya
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Moonshine Symphony
10. naakka (VRL-10345) - Naibn al Najya VH16-003-0063
11. Break (VRL-05810) - MD Valiant Malice VH01-019-7732
12. Break (VRL-05810) - Thunderbird Ion VH14-019-0009
13. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Cosmic Firebird
14. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Swan Lake WCR

20. English pleasure (12/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - Calfuray Nur VH12-003-0483
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Magnum
3. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Victorian Empress
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rhapsody
5. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Acid Wolfpack
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - KH Burgundy ox VH06-003-3257
7. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Beauty Beats VH14-016-0011
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Dancing On Diamonds
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Backwoods Wolfgang
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Serenade of Bliss
11. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Takoda VH13-016-0049
12. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Harlem's Sinister Queen

21. English pleasure driving (12/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Takoda VH13-016-0049
2. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Harlem's Sinister Queen
3. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Backwoods Wolfgang
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rhapsody
5. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Beauty Beats VH14-016-0011
6. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Acid Wolfpack
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Victorian Empress
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Dancing On Diamonds
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Magnum
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Serenade of Bliss
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - KH Burgundy ox VH06-003-3257
12. Break (VRL-05810) - Calfuray Nur VH12-003-0483

22. Informal combination (12/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Harlem's Sinister Queen
2. Break (VRL-05810) - Calfuray Nur VH12-003-0483
3. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Victorian Empress
4. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Acid Wolfpack
5. Break (VRL-05810) - Ramya Takoda VH13-016-0049
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - KH Burgundy ox VH06-003-3257
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Serenade of Bliss
8. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Beauty Beats VH14-016-0011
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Dancing On Diamonds
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Backwoods Wolfgang
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rhapsody
12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Magnum

23. Show pleasure (11/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Awakening
2. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Bacardi Breeze Haz
3. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Hextech Valkyrie
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Impoluto
5. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Midnight Mirage
6. Break (VRL-05810) - Ebony Revenant Ion
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Trinidad
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Lord of Illusions
9. Break (VRL-05810) - Pendragon of Picar VH12-016-0003
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Tabasco Shot
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - D.C. Nocturne

24. Show pleasure driving (11/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Bacardi Breeze Haz
2. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Lord of Illusions
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - D.C. Nocturne
4. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Awakening
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Impoluto
6. Break (VRL-05810) - Pendragon of Picar VH12-016-0003
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Tabasco Shot
8. Break (VRL-05810) - Ebony Revenant Ion
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Midnight Mirage
10. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Hextech Valkyrie
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Trinidad

25. Informal show combination (11/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Hextech Valkyrie
2. Break (VRL-05810) - Ebony Revenant Ion
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Impoluto
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Trinidad
5. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Bacardi Breeze Haz
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - D.C. Nocturne
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Tabasco Shot
8. Break (VRL-05810) - Pendragon of Picar VH12-016-0003
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Lord of Illusions
10. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Awakening
11. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Midnight Mirage

26. Park (9/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Tequila Sunset
2. Break (VRL-05810) - Glamglare Untamed Model VH14-059-0065
3. Break (VRL-05810) - Arcadia Pendragon VH12-059-0095
4. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Shadow Play VH14-016-0010
5. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Emerald Island
6. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Sun Supreme
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Swinging Seductress
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Charm of Brazil
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Ramya Celestial Shore

27. Park harness (9/50)

1. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Emerald Island
2. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Swinging Seductress
3. Break (VRL-05810) - Glamglare Untamed Model VH14-059-0065
4. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Sun Supreme
5. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Ramya Celestial Shore
6. Break (VRL-05810) - Arcadia Pendragon VH12-059-0095
7. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Charm of Brazil
8. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Shadow Play VH14-016-0010
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Tequila Sunset

28. Formal combination (9/50)

1. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Charm of Brazil
2. Break (VRL-05810) - Glamglare Untamed Model VH14-059-0065
3. Break (VRL-05810) - HWA Shadow Play VH14-016-0010
4. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Swinging Seductress
5. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Sun Supreme
6. Break (VRL-05810) - Hazard's Emerald Island
7. Break (VRL-05810) - Arcadia Pendragon VH12-059-0095
8. Jasny (VRL-01414) - Ramya Celestial Shore
9. Jasny (VRL-01414) - HWA Tequila Sunset

29. Pleasure driving (15/50)

1. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Every Silver Lining VH15-177-0048
2. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Hidden Power VH16-177-0007
3. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Muljulandian Ykkönen VH16-177-0020
4. TK (VRL-00555) - Let's Twist Again VH15-177-0015
5. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Muljulandian Faa VH16-177-0010
6. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Caressional VH04-099-6388
7. Break (VRL-05810) - Alexandriaa v. Duren VH15-040-0078
8. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Muljulandian Fiini VH16-177-0028
9. TK (VRL-00555) - Maple's Golden Memories VH15-177-0024
10. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Little Chino VH15-177-0047
11. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Muljulandian Vinopino VH16-177-0030
12. TK (VRL-00555) - Rubina VH14-177-0029
13. Break (VRL-05810) - Diabolus v.d. Ravenwood VH15-040-0089
14. TK (VRL-00555) - Lady Hope VH15-177-0042
15. TK (VRL-00555) - Miss America VH15-177-0041

30. Fine harness (13/50)

1. TK (VRL-00555) - Springtime Melody VH12-091-0003
2. TK (VRL-00555) - RWR Drums of War VH16-059-0008
3. TK (VRL-00555) - Midnight Blue Symphony VH12-091-0004
4. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Rida Iona VH02-099-9830
5. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Primary VH02-099-8064
6. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Hidden Power VH16-177-0007
7. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Emma´s Mix´n Match VH02-099-8703
8. TK (VRL-00555) - Dreamtime Dancing Shadow VH12-091-0002
9. TK (VRL-00555) - Blackwater Arctic Storm VH12-091-0001
10. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Little Chino VH15-177-0047
11. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Every Silver Lining VH15-177-0048
12. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - VF Fisco VH02-099-8658
13. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - VF Fancy VH02-099-8665

31. Roadster (12/50)

1. TK (VRL-00555) - Rainmaker Ocean Dreams VH12-177-0032
2. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Ali Bobo VH02-099-3819
3. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Summer Breeze VH03-099-6113
4. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Under My Bed VH02-099-8146
5. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Hidden Power VH16-177-0007
6. TK (VRL-00555) - Rainmaker Lady Winterfrost VH12-177-0031
7. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Hera´s Pretty One VH02-099-8711
8. TK (VRL-00555) - Crossfire Krust VH15-177-0033
9. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Every Silver Lining VH15-177-0048
10. Annúndwen (VRL-00399) - Ocarina VH02-099-9829
11. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Little Chino VH15-177-0047
12. TK (VRL-00555) - Springtime Melody VH12-091-0003

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